This policy applies to all SB REMIT employees and any other persons that may be identified as a worker of the company. This includes where your comments, postings or profile can identify you as an employee or other worker of the Company, irrespective of whether the Company is named, and occurring at any time, irrespective of whether you are using Company or personal computers, devices or equipment.

Activities on social media should be considered public. Despite the availability of privacy functions on social media, it is possible for content to be shared beyond intended recipients. This policy is for the mutual protection of the Company and its workers and is not intended to prevent, discourage or unduly limit expression of personal opinions or online activities.

Only an authorised representative may manage the Company’s social media presence or post on the Company’s behalf.

This policy covers, but is not limited to, the sites and services mentioned below, and is also intended to cover any other social media services that are developed in the future:

(a) social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, Instagram);
(b) professional networking services (e.g. LinkedIn);
(c) video and photo sharing websites (e.g. Youtube);
(d) micro-blogging (e.g. Twitter);
(e) forums and discussion boards (e.g. Google Groups);
(f) online collaborations (e.g. Wikipedia);
(g) podcasting;
(h) blogs including corporate blogs and personal blogs; and
(i) blogs hosted by traditional media outlets.

Guidelines for appropriate use of social media

The Company expects that all of its employees and any other persons that may be identified as a worker of the Company will uphold the expected level of professional conduct and ethical behaviour when using social media. It is critical that employees of the Company exhibit a high standard of professional conduct to maintain public confidence in the Company’s operations and reinforce the corporate values of transparency, accountability, respect and responsibility.

To protect your own and our reputation, you must adhere to the following guidelines:

(a) think before you post/publish or share information through such sites;
(b) be thoughtful and show respect for people with whom you interact;
(c) be respectful of the opinions, cultures and beliefs of others;
(d) be mindful that what you post/publish will be public for a long time and may be available even after you believe you have deleted it. Take care to protect your personal brand and your privacy and understand a platform’s terms of service;
(e) disclose any conflicts of interest that may arise from associations made through social media. This includes when a personal interest could be perceived as influencing the performance of your official duties and responsibilities;
(f) if you post/publish material in your personal capacity where you could be identified as being associated with us, you should include a disclaimer such as "The posts on this site are my own and do not represent the positions, plans or opinions of my employer." Irrespective of any disclaimer, you are responsible for any contributions, comments or posts made to social media in a personal capacity.
(g) You must not at any time:
(i) publish or post material that may be reasonably considered to be offensive, obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, bullying, discriminatory, hateful, racist, sexist or homophobic;
(ii) publish or post material that infringes copyright, constitutes a contempt of court, breaches a court suppression order or is otherwise unlawful or in breach of your professional obligations; use or disclose proprietary, commercially sensitive or confidential information;
(iii) mention the names, employees, services provided by or work undertaken for any client, customer or supplier of the Company, or share any confidential or personal information obtained as a worker of the Company;
(iv) state or imply that you are authorised to speak on our behalf or state or give the impression that any views you express are the views of the Company, unless you are authorised to do so;
(v) communicate information about the Company, unless you are authorised to do so;
(vi) comment negatively about the Company, including employment with the Company; and/or
(vii) respond defensively, engage in or initiate comments which are negative or derogatory about the Company, its directors, its managers, its employees or its clients and customers.

Breaches of this policy

If you are found to have breached this policy, including any inappropriate use of personal, Company-related or other social media you may be subject to disciplinary action, including summary termination. We may also require you to remove posted material that is deemed inappropriate.

If you have any questions about this policy, please contact [email protected] via email.